Second Game of Cruel Seas

In this scenario of Cruel Seas the Germans have to a tanker safely home. The German force consists of one tanker and one S boat. The British have two Vospers, one of each version. The first turn saw the German tanker move directly across the board moving up to full speed, a massive 12cm. The German S boat moved in to intercept the encroaching Vospers. In the first turn the British early Vosper released her two and only torpedoes.


In the second turn the other Vosper released her torpedoes, and fired all her guns at the nearing S boat. The S boat suffered 16 hull points of damage. The return fire from the S boat was fairly ineffectual. The torpedoes made their 40cm advance towards the tanker. The tanker captain saw the danger, slowed down and turned his ship towards the torpedoes to try and avoid them. The torpedoes will travel under the S boat. The S boat will not be hit by them.


In the third turn the German S boat gets to go first. It slows down, and fires all its guns on the nearest Vosper. It is not quite within the 5cm point blank range, but unloads all its guns. The two MMGs both hit, now for the main guns that will possibly sink the Vosper. They only need a 7 to hit on the D10.


Disaster, as both guns miss. The Vosper only takes 9 points of damage, out of a possible 60. 


Quick thinking by the tanker Captain led to the torpedoes harmlessly missing the tanker. But one does hit, but fails to go off. The torpedo strikes have failed. The S boat is now storming off well beyond the tanker and now needs to turn to get back to support. The S boat travels fast and so is at a disadvantage when it comes to tight turns. The small little Vospers use this to their advantage as they motor closer to the tanker and unleash all their guns. The damage mounts on the tanker but with 85 hull points of damage they cannot do more than scratch the paint work each time.


The tanker increases its speed to full in an attempt to get to safety. The S boat returns and pours fire onto the Vospers causing significant damage to one. The other Vosper is also badly damaged.


In the penultimate turn the Vosper that still has torpedoes and launches both before it is inevitably destroyed, or so the captain thinks. 


The final turn the S boat has the first dice. If it destroys the Vosper who just fired the torpedoes, the torpedoes become orphans and will move next. So the Captain pours fire onto the other boat and sinks it. With small arms fire, that boat could have destroyed the tanker, but the other Vosper still has to go.


The tanker moves, but is faced with the inevitable torpedoes that will hit it. Sure enough both hit. They need a 6 or under to explode.

The first die rolled is a 7. The torpedo is a dud. The second torpedo hits, just on a 6.


The explosion destroys the tanker and the British have secured a second victory. A really close game that went down to the final turn.


Looking forward to playing some more games. However, the Bolt Action Tournament  on the 20th January beckons. I will need to sort out my army for that.

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