Attack on the Watchtower

Luca was now determined to bring the fight to Kristof’s lands. Kristof defended his homelands with patrols seeking out the undead. However, Luca managed to attack the one place where an attack was not expected. The wizard college was thought to be unassailable. The attack would lead to inevitable failure. Luca was a man driven by revenge. The attack went forward.

This was how the Blog of Jan 5th ended.

Alex and I met up this week to fight the next battle in our Warlords of Erehwon campaign. Alex had just 5 wizards in the tower and 5 warriors in front of the tower to defend against the horde of skeletons. I had two units of archers, a unit of skeleton warriors, mounted warriors, a champion, a chariot and Luca himself.


The first turn saw the skeleton army advance.


The champion was sent back to edge of the board with Peculiar Portal. However, Alex also tried to cast Lightning Bolt and a miscast happened.


The second turn saw the skeletons advance once more and the cavalry charged the warriors in front of the tower. Both units suffered a pin coming in and the skeleton leader was slain. Both units suffered 3 pins. Both lost the combat. Both units disappeared. 


This time the peculiar portal sent the chariot to the back of the board. The archers were now in range and started to fire at the wizards. No kills, but pins were caused. This was mainly down to Alex’s Sorcerer’s Shield. 


In the third turn Peculiar Portal failed to be cast and the champion was dangerously close to the tower. He dismounted and started to bash the door down. The door was robust and did not budge an inch. The archers were now beginning to cause several hits and Alex was having to rally his wizards to keep them effective. Meanwhile other skeletons were advancing.


The fourth and fifth turns were turning points. Although Alex managed to send my champion to the edge of the board so he could no longer be a threat, and also the chariot had a strike from a lightning bolt, things were about to change. My archers took careful aim and struck two of Alex’s wizards.


Alex unfortunately rolled 10 for both saves. In Warlords of Erehwon a 10 cannot be re-rolled and is an automatic fail. Both wizards were removed from play. 


Alex was now down to at a distinct disadvantage.


My dice were coming out first. Archers took out another wizard and worse was to come for Alex as my champion destroyed the door gaining entry to the tower.


With the last turn the champion charged up the stairs and took out a wizard. In the following move skeleton warriors destroyed the final wizard. Luca had had his revenge the wizard college had been taken and the wizards all massacred.


It was a great game and I have to say the rules work really well. Alex and Ihad a blast.

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