The Last of the Free Folk

After painting all the free folk raiders I was looking forward to painting the giants and heroes. After the practice on the raiders I was feeling a little more confident in using the Contrast paints. I am now mixing them to create new colours or blends. They do mix really nicely together. Generally the darker colours seem to be stronger. The lighter colours are a little more washed out.


This giant was painted with just paint straight from the pot although I did thin out the Cygor brown using the medium which I painted on the wood.


The second giant was again painted as the first. This time I painted the hair with a mixture of grey with white contrast. It made it slightly lighter.


Lady Val was painted with just five colours. I mixed some of the browns and also used white in the mix.




The other three heroes. Apart from the metals all again was painted with contrast paints. Craster’s shirt was blended using greens and browns.

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